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Features are the core of Ramp. They are descriptions of transformations that operate on DataFrame columns.

Things to note:

  • Features attempt to store everything they compute for later reuse. They base cache keys on the pandas index and column name, but not the actual data, so for a given column name and index, a Feature will NOT recompute anything, even if you have changed the value inside. (This applies only in the context of a single storage path. Separate stores will not collide of course.)
  • Features may depend on target “y” values (Feature selectors for instance). These features will only be built with values in the given DataContext‘s train_index.
  • Similarly, Features may depend on other “x” valeus. For instance, you normalize a column (mean zero, stdev 1) using certain rows. These prepped values are stored as well so they can be used in “un-prepped” contexts (such as prediction on a hold out set). The given DataContext‘s prep_index indicates which rows are to be used in preparation.
  • Feature instances should not store state (except temporarily while being created they have an attached DataContext object). So the same feature object can be re-used in different contexts.

Creating your own features

Extending ramp with your own feature transformations is fairly straightforward. Features that operate on a single feature should inherit from Feature, features operating on multiple features should inherit from ComboFeature. For either of these, you will need to override the _create method, as well as optionally __init__ if your feature has extra params. Additionally, if your feature depends on other “x” values (for example it normalizes columns using the mean and stdev of the data), you will need to define a _prepare method that returns a dict (or other picklable object) with the required values. To get these “prepped” values, you will call get_prep_data from your _create method. A simple (mathematically unsafe) normalization example:

class Normalize(Feature):

    def _prepare(self, data):
        cols = {}
        for col in data.columns:
            d = data[col]
            m = d.mean()
            s = d.std()
            cols[col] = (m, s)
        return cols

    def _create(self, data):
        col_stats = self.get_prep_data(data)
        d = DataFrame(index=data.index)
        for col in data.columns:
            m, s = col_stats[col]
            d[col] = data[col].map(lambda x: (x - m)/s)
        return d

This allows ramp to cache prep data and reuse it in contexts where the initial data is not available, as well as prevent unnecessary recomputation.

Feature Reference

class ramp.features.base.AsFactor(feature, levels=None)

Maps nominal values to ints and stores mapping. Mapping may be provided at definition.

levels is list of tuples

class ramp.features.base.AsFactorIndicators(feature, levels=None)

Maps nominal values to indicator columns. So a column with values [‘good’, ‘fair’, ‘poor’], would be mapped to two indicator columns (the third implied by zeros on the other two columns)

class ramp.features.base.BaseFeature(feature)
create(context, *args, **kwargs)
class ramp.features.base.ColumnSubset(feature, subset, match_substr=False)
class ramp.features.base.ComboFeature(features)

Abstract base for more complex features

Inheriting classes responsible for setting human-readable description of feature and parameters on _name attribute.

column_rename(existing_name, hsh=None)

Like unique_name, but in addition must be unique to each column of this feature. accomplishes this by prepending readable string to existing column name and replacing unique hash at end of column name.


Needs to be overridden

create(context, force=False)

Caching wrapper around actual feature creation

get_prep_data(data=None, force=False)

Stable, unique key for this feature and a given prep_index and train_index. we key on train_index as well because prep data may involve training.

hash_length = 8
re_hsh = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x1e3fb20>

Must provide a unique string as a funtion of this feature, its parameter settings, and all it’s contained features. It should also be readable and maintain a reasonable length (by hashing, for instance).

class ramp.features.base.ConstantFeature(feature)
create(context, *args, **kwargs)
class ramp.features.base.Contain(feature, min=None, max=None)

Trims values to inside min and max.

class ramp.features.base.Discretize(feature, cutoffs, values=None)

Bins values based on given cutoffs.

class ramp.features.base.DummyFeature

For testing

create(context, *args, **kwargs)

alias of Feature

class ramp.features.base.Feature(feature)

Base class for features operating on a single feature.


Overrides ComboFeature create_data method to only operate on a single sub-feature.

class ramp.features.base.FillMissing(feature, fill_value)

Fills na values (pandas definition) with fill_value.

class ramp.features.base.GroupAggregate(features, function, name=None, data_column=None, trained=False, groupby_column=None, **groupargs)

Computes an aggregate value by group.

Groups can be specified with kw args which will be passed to the pandas groupby method, or by specifying a groupby_column which will group by value of that column.

class ramp.features.base.GroupMap(feature, function, name=None, **groupargs)

Applies a function over specific sub-groups of the data Typically this will be with a MultiIndex (hierarchical index). If group is encountered that has not been seen, defaults to global map. TODO: prep this feature

class ramp.features.base.IndicatorEquals(feature, value)

Maps feature to one if equals given value, zero otherwise.

class ramp.features.base.Length(feature)

Applies builtin len to feature.

class ramp.features.base.Log(feature)

Takes log of given feature. User is responsible for ensuring values are in domain.

class ramp.features.base.Map(feature, function, name=None)

Applies given function to feature. Feature cannot be anonymous (ie lambda). Must be defined in top level (and thus picklable).

class ramp.features.base.MissingIndicator(feature)

Adds a missing indicator column for this feature. Indicator will be 1 if given feature isnan (numpy definition), 0 otherwise.

class ramp.features.base.Normalize(feature)

Normalizes feature to mean zero, stdev one.

class ramp.features.base.Power(feature, power=2)

Takes feature to given power. Equivalent to operator: F(‘a’) ** power.

class ramp.features.base.ReplaceOutliers(feature, stdevs=7, replace='mean')
is_outlier(x, mean, std)
ramp.features.base.contain(x, mn, mx)

Text Features

class ramp.features.text.CapitalizationErrors(feature)
class ramp.features.text.CharFreqKL(feature)
class ramp.features.text.CharGrams(feature, chars=4)
class ramp.features.text.ClosestDoc(feature, text, doc_splitter=<bound method SentenceTokenizer.tokenize of <ramp.features.text.SentenceTokenizer object at 0x202d890>>, tokenizer=<function tokenize at 0x201b500>, sim=<function jaccard at 0x214fde8>)
class ramp.features.text.Dictionary(mindocs=3, maxterms=100000, maxdocs=0.9, force=False)
get_dict(context, docs)
get_tfidf(context, docs)
name(docs, type_='dict')
class ramp.features.text.ExpandedTokens(feature)
class ramp.features.text.KeywordCount(feature, words)
class ramp.features.text.LDA(*args, **kwargs)
class ramp.features.text.LSI(*args, **kwargs)
class ramp.features.text.LongestSentence(feature)
class ramp.features.text.LongestWord(feature)
class ramp.features.text.LongwordCount(feature, lengths=[6, 7, 8])
class ramp.features.text.NgramCompare(feature, *args, **kwargs)
class ramp.features.text.NgramCounts(feature, mindocs=50, maxterms=100000, maxdocs=1.0, bool_=False, verbose=False)
class ramp.features.text.Ngrams(feature, ngrams=1)
class ramp.features.text.NonDictCount(feature, exemptions=None)
class ramp.features.text.RemoveNonDict(feature)

Expects tokens

class ramp.features.text.SelectNgramCounts(feature, selector, target, n_keep=50, train_only=False, *args, **kwargs)
select(x, y)
class ramp.features.text.SentenceCount(feature)
class ramp.features.text.SentenceLSI(*args, **kwargs)
class ramp.features.text.SentenceLength(feature)
class ramp.features.text.SentenceSlice(feature, start=0, end=None)
class ramp.features.text.SentenceTokenizer
re_sent = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x1f975d0>
class ramp.features.text.SpellingErrorCount(feature, exemptions=None)
class ramp.features.text.StringJoin(features, sep='|')
class ramp.features.text.TFIDF(feature, mindocs=50, maxterms=10000, maxdocs=1.0)
class ramp.features.text.Tokenizer(feature, tokenizer=<function tokenize_keep_all at 0x201b578>)
class ramp.features.text.TopicModelFeature(feature, topic_modeler=None, num_topics=50, force=False, stored_model=None, mindocs=3, maxterms=100000, maxdocs=0.9, tokenizer=<function tokenize at 0x201b500>)
make_vectors(data, n=None)
class ramp.features.text.TreebankTokenize(feature)
tokenizer = None
class ramp.features.text.VocabSize(feature)
class ramp.features.text.WeightedWordCount(feature)
ramp.features.text.chargrams(s, n)
ramp.features.text.count_spell_errors(toks, exemptions)
ramp.features.text.jaccard(a, b)
ramp.features.text.ngrams(toks, n, sep='|')
ramp.features.text.nondict_w_exemptions(toks, exemptions, count_typos=False)

Combo Features

class ramp.features.combo.Add(features, name=None, fillna=0)
class ramp.features.combo.ComboMap(features, name=None, fillna=0)

abstract base for binary operations on features

class ramp.features.combo.DimensionReduction(feature, decomposer=None)
class ramp.features.combo.Divide(features, name=None, fillna=0)
class ramp.features.combo.Interactions(features)

Inheriting classes responsible for setting human-readable description of feature and parameters on _name attribute.

class ramp.features.combo.Multiply(features, name=None, fillna=0)
class ramp.features.combo.OutlierCount(features, stdevs=5)
is_outlier(x, mean, std)

Trained Features

class ramp.features.trained.FeatureSelector(features, selector, target, n_keep=50, train_only=True, cache=False)

train_only: if true, features are selected only using training index data (recommended)

select(x, y)
class ramp.features.trained.Predictions(config, name=None, external_context=None, cv_folds=None, cache=False)

If cv-folds is specified, will use k-fold cross-validation to provide robust predictions. (The predictions returned are those predicted on hold-out sets only.) Will not provide overly-optimistic fit like Predictions will, but can increase runtime significantly (nested cross-validation). Can be int or iteratable of (train, test) indices

class ramp.features.trained.Residuals(config, name=None, external_context=None, cv_folds=None, cache=False)

If cv-folds is specified, will use k-fold cross-validation to provide robust predictions. (The predictions returned are those predicted on hold-out sets only.) Will not provide overly-optimistic fit like Predictions will, but can increase runtime significantly (nested cross-validation). Can be int or iteratable of (train, test) indices